Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A picture is worth a thousand words

The age-old saying has never been truer. Welcome to the age of the visual web! I think its very interesting to see the importance being paid to pictures and photos. Hint: Recently, a 13 person start-up with virtually no revenues was bought out for almost a billion dollars! One of the fastest growing social networks now is Pinterest, which is a visual online pinboard. The revamped UI in Google+ provides a lot more real estate for pictures and photos in your postings and also support animated GIFs, which makes it even more interesting. And Facebook is not far behind either. Almost 300 million photos are uploaded to the social networking giant - they sure know a thing or two about pictures and I am sure their Camera app and the newly acquired Instagram are going to innovate further in this space.

What does this mean to brands? I think this is a tremendous opportunity for brands to take advantage of. In fact brands like Victoria's Secret (easy for them) are already taking advantage of photo-centric features by posting hi-def pictures on their FB wall - enticing their fans by providing great visual imagery about their products but also engaging them in a meaningful manner. Isn't that what social media is all about?

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